Multistage RC filter design aid.
A markup-driven CSS language with enhanced syntax
JSON query and transformation language
Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor.
Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy Server implements multiple spam filters
An award-winning drawing program for children of all ages
A means to measure network responsiveness and throughput
Toolkit for working with and mapping geospatial data
Picture manager with focus on meta information (XMP, IPTC, EXIF)
This first-world Photoshop's plug-in features artificial intelligence
libdspl-2.0 is opensource cross-platform digital signal processing alg
Create a dynamic WP glossary. Enhance SEO, add tooltips, and more
Python QT code to design data windows and FIR's
Real time vector search engine
A Jekyll plugin to generate a JSON (RSS-like) feed of your Jekyll post
Query almost anything in julia
Linux for for small offices and medium enterprises
Visual Studio C++ BiQuad filter project
Open Source graphic tool and alternative to Insane Bump
SmartPOS (Includes->SmartERP distro of Idempiere ERP) is 100% Web
A batch pipelined image editor
Bild- und Video-Datenbank für ambitionierte Fotografen