A virtual machine for executing programs written in Hack
A novel Code transformation technique to guide test input generator
port of the picoTCP stack for DOS
Repository of desktops and programs for the Cygwin platform
header only, dependency-free deep learning framework in C++14
My attempt to make a c compiler using lex and yacc for fun. :)
Open DXFs with QCad
An emulation of the experimental computer board 85.
64-BIt Operating System with Compiler
Dollar to Euro Converter
My personal tools
Create a C file from Tcl file
A collection of useful CMake examples
A help file format based upon CommonMark-compatible text files.
Tiny education compiler that can compile itself
Prepackaged MinGW installations
C / C++ everything-memory debugger
Beamforming and Speech Recognition Toolkit
Moved to https://github.com/davidgiven/ack
msfvenom shellcode generator/compiler/listenner
A real-time strategy/programming game
Emulateur TO7/70 Thom