Load images on your sites lazily without JavaScript
Java web common vulnerabilities and security code
The WI+RE (Writing Instruction + Research Education)
Hébergement web Maroc, création site internet maroc, hébergeur web
Yumpee CMS is a Content Management System built using Yii2
inversion of coupling control
Concise spatial query and representation system (c-squares)
Filemanager written for PHP, because it is NeXT, the future ..
A better workflow for building modern static websites
Desktop client for Facebook Messenger
Magnet link aggregation search
PHP Web Portal based on PHP/MySQL
WordPress Plug curates list of links with titles icons and categories.
Simple PHP Module Loader Source Code
uBlock: a fast, lightweight, and lean blocker for Chrome, Firefox
The Jekyll Butler. A no frills responsive Jekyll blog theme
Mobirise is an offline web-site builder
A Jekyll plugin to render a project's README as the site's index
A Jekyll plugin for displaying your recent Instagram photos