Various tools for musicians.
OnePlus Nord (Avicii) Builds of Havoc OS
Easy HTML file for Product Catalogs at Kiosks, Online, Offline, System
Program for molecular graphics
Fully Customizable Full-Fledged Audio Player Supporting Many Formats
A simple armv7h sdk
This is a C++ library that allows you to search for images on Google !
A free encryption notepad program.
Gentoo Cluster Managment Tools
Autoclicker Keylogger Set and reload scripts, random delay + overlayer
Get the new release!
IBM 029 Keypunch Emulator
Graphical frontend to work with binary images (RAW) of media
Open source e-mail tracker made with Flask, setup & run in 10 minutes
Active repository of jpeg-photos with tags suitable for personal needs
Hypertex Thesaurus for any web browser.
mkinitramfs & mkinitrd replacement and (eventually) alternate /init
ReadyToUse home automation system based on OpenHAB or Home Assistant
Automated file organization in a user-friendly GUI
Archiver tuned for fast file access and efficient incremental backups
UDP Image Uploader with Serpent Encryption Algorithm in CBC Mode