Irish Income Tax Calculator
Active Directory Keytab Management
Tiny web-based mastodon client for your desktop
A CS development framework based on small-to-medium sized refining
Best way to make secure backup.
Free Chat is pre-populated with Models, Members and Guests.
Lean algorithmic trading engine by QuantConnect
AWS Usage Tool
A complete and graceful API for Wechat
MrSushil Designed web portal for students & teacher for communication.
Probably the most elegant Wechat personal number API
One Place for Teacher & Student Communication
Open-source flexible CRM
Best Password Manager Manages everything about your passwords .
Create FSG report in Excel format at your desktop
Document Management System with real-life-objects
Store Hunch Point OF Sale helps manage and grow your store.
Excel Invoice windows desktop app template
Edit, migrate, manage WoW accounts and characters
Simple Objective-C wrapper for the keychain that works on Mac and iOS