The App Framework for Startups
Building modern, elegant and fast Swing applications
Angular component for Font Awesome 5+
Small self-contained pure-Go web server with Lua, Markdown, HTTP/2
Font Awesome React component
Modern C++ Terminal Emulator
Jittor is a high-performance deep learning framework
Library for animated data visualizations and data stories
An enterprise-class UI components based on Ant Design and Vue
The Pedestal Server-side Libraries
Style definitions for nice terminal layouts
Using $5 Google Cardboard to replicate Hololens
Template rendering, notifier, and supervisor for @hashicorp Consul
Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS
Evergreen React UI framework by Segment
Front end cross-frameworks framework
The Semantic-UI-React integration
A JavaScript framework for building brilliant applications
Simple and elegant component-based UI library
A walk along memory lane
Detect device, and render view according to detected device type
A Template Engine for Modern C++
The free and open-source typeface for developers
iOS/Android pure javascript react-native component