Q&A With LanderLab: Build Beautiful, Fast and Responsive Landing Pages Without any Technical Knowledge

By Community Team

The boom of digital marketing and eCommerce that we witnessed in the last couple of years has irreversibly shaped the way many of us shop.

And it is clear that there is no going back here, the future of promoting, selling or buying goods and services is digital.

So whether you are a big eCommerce giant, a solo digital marketer, or a small family joint, the quality of your online presence will very probably decide the near future of your business.

With this vision in mind, LanderLab was built to offer to everyone with no tech knowledge whatsoever, a simple and very affordable solution of building and hosting landing pages for their online activities. This means you do not need to hire anyone or know anything about coding, servers or domains. All this is handled by LanderLab.

SourceForge recently caught up with Ervin Hoxha, CEO and co-founder at LanderLab, to talk about today’s digital marketing’s most pressing needs and the business benefits of using landing page building platforms. Ervin also offers some advice to help digital marketers get the most out of their landing pages.

First of all, can you please share with us a brief overview of LanderLab? When was it launched and what are your goals?

My self and my partners at LanderLab come from a background in digital marketing of over 10 years. Period during which we have first hand experienced the various technical difficulties that a digital marketer has to deal with on a daily basis. These take away precious time every day.

Time which could have been spent much better in launching new products, testing new angles, and scaling your business.

So we set ourselves a goal, which was to automate as much as possible of all the daily manual work, so that we could focus on more productive tasks. Since then we have developed various tools whose main goal is to handle the daily tedious tasks, one of which is also LanderLab.

LanderLab offers a revolutionary and cheap solution of building and hosting landing pages via a drag and drop editor. This means everybody can do it in just 15 minutes! You do not have to hire anyone, you do not need to know anything about html or css or how a server works. This means you save money, but most importantly you save time.

What industries do you serve and who are your current customers?

We are not tied to specific industries. The goal of LanderLab is to serve anyone who needs a website, and needs to be able to easily access and update its content anytime from anywhere, the same way it would update a word document.

An important part of our current user base is from the digital marketing industry. Companies or individuals who run eCommerce shops or who do performance marketing (affiliate marketing). For obvious reasons they need to be able to upload new content very frequently, as well as make changes quickly and test different versions of the same landing page to see which performs better. And without LanderLab these tasks can take up a big part of your time daily.

A recent Google research stated that 53% of visitors (especially on mobile devices) will abandon sites that take more than 3 seconds to load. How does LanderLab deal with site loading speeds?

All landing pages created and hosted in LanderLab undergo an automatic optimization process which aims to make all the main resources of a web site (images, fonts, styles etc) more web friendly by caching and compressing when necessary.

This, combined with our multi region hosting solution, guarantees 100% up time and minimal loading speeds world wide.

Tell us more about LanderLab. What are its key features and how does it compare to other similar solutions in the market?

I would start from the most important and obvious one:

The landing page creation and the Visual Editor

There are various ways to create a new landing page in Landerlab. You can:

  • Create a landing page from scratch
  • Chose one of the available template
  • Import a landing page directly from an existing URL
  • Upload a .zip archive containing the landing page

Once done, you can then open your newly created landing page in the editor, and customize it based on your needs (change texts, images, colors, fonts, etc).

The second is the A/B testing

This feature allows you to split test different landing pages or different versions of the same landing page and see which one performs better (generates the highest number of sales, has better click through rate, etc). So you are always sure you are using the best version of the landing page for your product.

The third is the Lead Collection and Management feature

With LanderLab you can create forms or popups to capture leads from your visitors and build your audience. This is also very easy to do and does not require any technical knowledge, plus, you can connect your preferred lead management system (Mailchimp, GetResponse, or any other integration that supports Zappier).

Another one that I would like to list is the Domain Health Check

LanderLab regularly checks your domains and landing pages, and alerts you in case an anomaly is detected. For example your landing page loading speed drops,your domain has been flagged by any antivirus service and can not be loaded correctly, etc. This protects you from sending traffic to a problematic landing page and potentially losing money.

Considering your experience in the industry, what are some best practices that digital marketers should consider for their landing pages.

If I would list a few in order of importance they would be: 

  • Health of the landing page and loading speeds – It is important to regularly check your landing page is loading fast and that all the resources are optimized for both mobile and desktop devices. 
  • A/B test different versions – I can not stress this enough, it doesn’t matter what your landing page is for, you should always make sure to test different versions and then stick with the version that works best for you. 
  • Interact with your visitors and build an audience – A visitor that finished on your landing page is clearly showing some interest, and it might not buy something right away, but it is a potential customer that you should not lose track of. So always try to interact with your visitors by giving them the possibility to join a mailing list, or by sending them a free item in exchange for them to sign or to submit their contact information.

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