

Motorola is pleased to provide the open source software used in the Offline Loader 1000 (OLL 1000) device!

The Motorola Offline Loader OLL1000 is a specialized carousel server that provides the capability to rapidly load numerous code objects on various set-top box types in a warehouse environment or other staging area
independent of the production system. The OLL1000 uses broadcast functions to clear stale code and/or configure mixed set-top types, so that no individual set-top addressing/configuration is required. The OLL1000 provides the warehouse with more control over code suites. It does so by keeping the loading independent, which has the added benefit of pre-loading set-tops in anticipation of planned code upgrades to support field installations on the day of the code upgrade.

Please note that this project is for distributing, discussing, and supporting the open source software we release. This site does not provide any SDKs nor general purpose developer support for the OLL 1000.