Activity for TimeServ

  • TimeServ TimeServ committed [r6041]

    pass integer key reference instead of pointer reference to particle systems, remove switch fallthrough on q64 bsp switch

  • TimeServ TimeServ committed [r6032]

    fix fallback particles not rendering properly with high fps

  • TimeServ TimeServ committed [r6031]

    preliminary quake 64 remastered bsp support (mipmaps currently busted), reduce missing anims in bsp to warning (needed for q64)

  • TimeServ TimeServ modified ticket #57

    stringwidth without extra argument

  • TimeServ TimeServ posted a comment on ticket #57

    This should be fixed as per commit r5473.

  • TimeServ TimeServ posted a comment on ticket #59

    Do you have an example or stack trace on this?

  • TimeServ TimeServ posted a comment on ticket #60

    Precache builtins do not return an index. They simply return the first parameter (the file given as a string). While QuakeC mods generally don't use the return value I'm still relucant to just change this since it's such a core builtin. This could be an extension candidate although it's desirable to know what the use case is first.

  • TimeServ TimeServ committed [r5472]

    fix typo in setup script