
#1 Issue with lions and chinese pieces if hurdle is capturee


Popeye considers this problem to be unsolvable:


autor Jean-Marc Loustau, 5045 Phénix 146 XII/2005

steine weiss kh4 lid4 tla1b8 lle8 rna7a8d2g4
schwarz ka4 tf6 lh2 bd3d7e7g3 lig5h7 tlb5

forderung #2

option vari


The reason probably is that Popeye "thinks" that RNd2 doesn't guard the king flight a5 any longer when LIg5 hasmoved away. In fact, if the king moves to a5, it serves the RNd2 as a hurdle itself.


  • Thomas Maeder

    Thomas Maeder - 2007-07-04
    • summary: Popeye can't test this problem --> Issue with lions and chinese pieces if hurdle is capturee
  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    I'm sorry, but I think Popeye is right !
    A RoseLion (RNd2) does not guard a5 if BishopLion (LIg5) moves away ...
    A Lion-type piece jumps on it's line over a hurdle and moves to one of the next squares on the line behind the hurdle if this square is empty or occupied by a piece of opposite colour. In the latter case, the piece is captured. A Lion does not jump over two hurdles.
    So if we have only Ka5 and RNd2 then the RNd2 can move to b3 or b6 nowhere else.
    As the Ka5 is not in check, moving the king to a5 is a valid defense.

    norbert \D\O\T geissler \A\T ng37 \D\O\T de

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Logged In: NO

    Sorry for a slight mistake in my last comment.
    Nevertheless Popeye is right !
    The possible moves with wRNd2 and bKa4 (or bKa5 !) are:

    Popeye SunOS-5.10-sparc-32Bit V4.37 (2048 KB)

    | |
    8 . . . . . . . . 8
    | |
    7 . . . . . . . . 7
    | |
    6 . . . . . . . . 6
    | |
    5 . . . . . . . . 5
    | |
    4 -K . . . . . . . 4
    | |
    3 . . . . . . . . 3
    | |
    2 . . . RN . . . . 2
    | |
    1 . . . . . . . . 1
    | |
    ~1 1 + 1


    b) sKa4-->a5

    1.RNd2-b3 !

    1.RNd2-f3 !

    1.RNd2-g5 !

    1.RNd2-f7 !

    1.RNd2-d8 !

    1.RNd2-b7 !

    Loesung beendet. Zeit = 0.010 s

    norbert \D\O\T geissler \A\T ng37 \D\O\T de

  • Thomas Maeder

    Thomas Maeder - 2008-01-04
    • assigned_to: nobody --> thomasmaeder
  • Thomas Maeder

    Thomas Maeder - 2008-01-04

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    You write: "A Lion-type piece jumps on it's line over a hurdle and moves to one of the
    next squares on the line behind the hurdle if this square is empty or
    occupied by a piece of opposite colour. In the latter case, the piece is

    In our discussion, the line is the circle d2-b3-a5-b7-d8-f7-g5-f3-d2. The squares behind the hurdle a5 are thus b7, d8, f7, g5, f3, d2, b3, and a5. a5 is occupied by a piece that doesn't block the rose lion, so the rose lion should be able to capture it.

  • Joost de Heer

    Joost de Heer - 2008-06-30

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Popeye also misses the null-move for a rose. In Norbert's example, RNd2-d2 is a legal move in b).



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