
#173 symlinked and compressed man pages


This patch enhances Tcl's build system to allow
compression manpages and symlinks for crosslinking the
manpages during installation.

Whether the manpages should be symlinked and/or
compressed is controled by two new options to configure:
--enable-symlinks works as a switch to turn on using
--enable-compression takes a mandatory argument which
is the program to use for compression (e.g. compress,
gzip, or bzip2). The file name extension for compressed
files gets detected by mkLinks.

In case this patch gets applied to Tcl, I'll also
create simmilar patches for Tk and other extensions
that cross-link their man pages.


  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-02-15
    • labels: --> 53. Configure and Build Tools
  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-02-15

    Logged In: YES

    Corrected the category.

  • Jeffrey Hobbs

    Jeffrey Hobbs - 2002-03-23
    • assigned_to: nobody --> hobbs
  • Jeffrey Hobbs

    Jeffrey Hobbs - 2002-04-22

    Logged In: YES

    don't we need a patch for Tk too?

  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-04-23

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, but I wanted to see whether this one would get accepted
    for Tcl before starting the work for TK (see the last part
    of my description above).
    I can create the patche for Tk in a couple of hours if you
    like to apply them at once.

  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-05-03

    Logged In: YES

    I've attached a slightly revised version of the patch. The
    options are now named --enable-man-compression and
    --enable-man-symlinks. I've also put the corresponding patch
    for Tk here.

    After applying the patches unix/configure and unix/mkLinks
    have to be generated.

  • Donal K. Fellows

    Logged In: YES

    Administrativa: Deleting attachments at request of rmax

  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-05-03

    Symlinked and compressed manpages for Tcl

  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-05-03

    Symlinked and compressed manpages for Tk

  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-06-21
    • assigned_to: hobbs --> rmax
  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-06-26

    Logged In: YES

    Integrated in Tcl/Tk 8.4b1

  • Reinhard Max

    Reinhard Max - 2002-06-26
    • status: open --> closed-fixed