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Tranalyzer2 Installation Procedure

For the most up-to-date information, refer to the following links:

The information below summarizes briefly the installation steps.

Getting the Latest Version

  1. Download the latest version of Tranalyzer2 here

  2. Extract the content of the downloaded archive:

bash $ tar xzf tranalyzer2-0.8.14lmw1.tar.gz

Installation - The Easy Way

Go into tranalyzer2 root folder and run the setup.sh script:

$ cd tranalyzer2-0.8.14
$ ./setup.sh

Open a new terminal and you are now ready to use Tranalyzer! Start learning how here.

Installation - The Detailed Way

If you are a more advanced user, you can run the commands performed by the setup.sh script manually as follows:


  • Ubuntu/Kali:

bash $ sudo apt-get install autoconf autoconf-archive automake libbsd-dev libpcap-dev libreadline-dev libtool make meson zlib1g-dev

  • Arch/Manjaro:

bash $ sudo pacman -S autoconf autoconf-archive automake bash-completion gcc libpcap libtool make meson pkgconf zlib

  • Gentoo:

bash $ sudo emerge autoconf autoconf-archive automake bash-completion libpcap libtool meson zlib

  • openSUSE:

bash $ sudo zypper install autoconf autoconf-archive automake gcc libbsd-devel libpcap-devel libtool meson readline-devel zlib-devel

  • Red Hat/Fedora/CentOS (If the dnf command could not be found, try with yum instead):

bash $ sudo dnf install autoconf autoconf-archive automake bzip2 libbsd-devel libpcap-devel libtool meson readline zlib-devel

  • macOS (using Homebrew package manager):

bash $ brew install autoconf autoconf-archive automake libpcap libtool meson readline zlib

Note that meson is optional, but recommended as it is much faster than the autotools (autoconf, automake, ...).


This step will give you access to all aliases (t2, t2build, ...) used in the tutorials.

  1. Go to the root folder of Tranalyzer

bash $ cd tranalyzer2-0.8.14

  1. Save this location in the variable $T2HOME:

bash $ T2HOME="$PWD" $ echo $T2HOME /home/user/tranalyzer2-0.8.14

  1. The file $T2HOME/scripts/t2_aliases provides a set of aliases and functions which facilitate working with Tranalyzer. To access them, copy the code below. This will identify your terminal configuration file and then modify it.

bash TOADD="$(cat << EOF if [ -f "$T2HOME/scripts/t2_aliases" ]; then . "$T2HOME/scripts/t2_aliases" # Note the leading '.' fi EOF )" if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ]; then echo "$TOADD" >> "$HOME/.bashrc" source "$HOME/.bashrc" echo "Aliases installed in $HOME/.bashrc" elif [ -f "$HOME/.zshrc" ]; then echo "$TOADD" >> "$HOME/.zshrc" source "$HOME/.zshrc" echo "Aliases installed in $HOME/.zshrc" elif [ -f "$HOME/.bash_profile" ]; then echo "$TOADD" >> "$HOME/.bash_profile" source "$HOME/.bash_profile" echo "Aliases installed in $HOME/.bash_profile" else echo "No standard terminal configuration file found." fi

Compilation (using aliases installed in step 2)

To build Tranalyzer2 and the plugins, run one of the following commands:

  • Tranalyzer2 and a default set of plugins:

bash $ t2build

  • Tranalyzer2 and all the plugins:

bash $ t2build -a

  • Tranalyzer2 and a custom set of plugins (listed in plugins.build):

bash $ t2build -b

  • Tranalyzer2 and a custom set of plugins (listed in myplugins.txt):

bash $ t2build -b myplugins.txt

  • To build a specific plugin:

bash $ t2build pluginName

(Note that completion is available, so if you type t2build <tab>, you will see a list of all the plugins and if you type t2build http<tab> it will automatically complete the command to t2build httpSniffer).

  • To build several plugins:

bash $ t2build pluginName1 pluginName2

  • To install Tranalyzer2 in /usr/local/bin and the man page in /usr/local/man/man1:

bash $ t2build -i

(Note that root rights are required for the installation.)

  • For the full list of options accepted by the scripts:

bash $ t2build --help

Compilation (without using aliases installed in step 2)

To build Tranalyzer2 and the plugins, run one of the following commands (make sure that $T2HOME points to the root folder of Tranalyzer, i.e., where the README.md and ChangeLog files are located):

  • Tranalyzer2 and a default set of plugins:

bash $ cd $T2HOME $ ./autogen.sh

  • Tranalyzer2 and all the plugins:

bash $ cd $T2HOME $ ./autogen.sh -a

  • Tranalyzer2 and a custom set of plugins (listed in plugins.build):

bash $ cd $T2HOME $ ./autogen.sh -b

  • Tranalyzer2 and a custom set of plugins (listed in myplugins.txt):

bash $ cd $T2HOME $ ./autogen.sh -b myplugins.txt

  • For finer control of which plugins to build, either run ./autogen.sh from every folder you want to build:

bash $ cd "$T2HOME/plugins/pluginName" $ ./autogen.sh

Or run ./autogen.sh pluginName from the root folder of Tranalyzer2:

bash $ cd "$T2HOME" $ ./autogen.sh pluginName

(Note that you can specify more than one plugin name, e.g., ./autogen.sh httpSniffer txtSink)

  • To install Tranalyzer2 in /usr/local/bin and the man page in /usr/local/man/man1:

bash $ ./autogen.sh -i

(Note that root rights are required for the installation.)

  • For the full list of options accepted by the scripts, run:

bash $ ./autogen.sh --help


Tranalyzer2 core and every plugin come with their own documentation found in the doc/ subfolder, e.g., tranalyzer2/doc/tranalyzer2.pdf. The full documentation of Tranalyzer2 and all the locally available plugins can be built by running make in $T2HOME/doc and accessed by running evince doc/documentation.pdf (Replace evince with your preferred PDF viewer). Note that if the setup.sh script was used or t2_aliases was installed, then the t2doc function can be used to access the documentation as follows:

  • Full documentation:

bash $ t2doc

  • Tranalyzer2 core documentation:

bash $ t2doc tranalyzer2

  • Scripts documentation:

bash $ t2doc scripts

  • Plugin documentation, e.g., basicFlow:

bash $ t2doc basicFlow

Copyright (c) 2008-2022 by Tranalyzer Development Team

Source: README.md, updated 2022-09-08