Other Useful Business Software
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging Icon
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging

For companies that need a reliable messaging API provider

Get your customers’ messages where they need to go with 99%+ deliverability. Telgorithm’s API automates A2P compliance & message management for faster, easier, & more reliable messaging, enabling you to offer the best service to your customers.
Digital Payments by Deluxe Payment Exchange Icon
Digital Payments by Deluxe Payment Exchange

A single integrated payables solution that takes manual payment processes out of the equation, helping reduce risk and cutting costs for your business

Save time, money and your sanity. Deluxe Payment Exchange+ (DPX+) is our integrated payments solution that streamlines and automates your accounts payable (AP) disbursements. DPX+ ensures secure payments and offers suppliers alternate ways to receive funds, including mailed checks, ACH, virtual credit cards, debit cards, or eCheck payments. By simply integrating with your existing accounting software like QuickBooks®, you’ll implement efficient payment solutions for AP with ease—without costly development fees or untimely delays.
Create and run cloud-based virtual machines. Icon
Create and run cloud-based virtual machines.

Secure and customizable compute service that lets you create and run virtual machines on Google’s infrastructure.

Computing infrastructure in predefined or custom machine sizes to accelerate your cloud transformation. General purpose (E2, N1, N2, N2D) machines provide a good balance of price and performance. Compute optimized (C2) machines offer high-end vCPU performance for compute-intensive workloads. Memory optimized (M2) machines offer the highest memory and are great for in-memory databases. Accelerator optimized (A2) machines are based on the A100 GPU, for very demanding applications.
Powerful small business accounting software Icon
Powerful small business accounting software

For small businesses looking for desktop accounting software

With AccountEdge, business owners can organize, process, and report on their financial information so they can focus on their business. Features include: accounting, integrated payroll, sales and purchases, contact management, inventory tracking, time billing, and more.
High-performance Open Source API Gateway Icon
High-performance Open Source API Gateway

KrakenD is a stateless, distributed, high-performance API Gateway that helps you effortlessly adopt microservices

KrakenD is a high-performance API Gateway optimized for resource efficiency, capable of managing 70,000 requests per second on a single instance. The stateless architecture allows for straightforward, linear scalability, eliminating the need for complex coordination or database maintenance.

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