Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
readme.txt 2012-06-18 2.0 kB
rubikscube.zip 2012-06-18 61.6 kB
Totals: 2 Items   63.6 kB 0
Rubik's Cube

A minimalistic Rubik's Cube program that nonetheless has all the important features. As it is small and in FreeBasic, everything can easily be configured to your liking without using cumbersome configuration files: keys, colors, size, rotation speed, mouse sensitivity, etc.

There are lots of Rubik's Cube programs out there, but as always, for me, none of them had all the features I want. Either they have the graphics I want, then they don't have the right key configuration. Or they have a nice key configuration, but then no nice graphics. So, as always, I had to write my own little program. Fortunately, with FreeBasic, OpenGL and my own little vector routines that I have since way back, this was no big deal. Graphicswise I wanted to have it fast, minimalistic and with high resolution and antialiasing. I didn't want lighting, fancy cube shapes or anything like that. I have a stickerless DaYan GuHong, and that was how I wanted it basically to look like, without black edges around the colors. You can see colors at the inside faces of the stickerless DaYan, but I didn't want to go that far. There I really prefer the old Rubik style black inside.

I initially went for moving the layers by keyboard only, and using the mouse only to look around the cube. But then the rotation around the vertical axis seemed natural to include as a move also with the mouse. Now that I think about it, a way for solving it only by mouse would be nice, too. This could be future work. At the moment you can turn the layers only by keyboard. I found it quite natural and it's faster this way than it could ever be with the mouse.


esc      quit
qawsed   turn width layers
rtfgvb   turn height layers
zuhjnm   turn depth layers
yxikop   turn whole cube
l        make a random move (for mixing the cube)
C        set cube back to solved state
1234567  set rotation speed
.        detach/attach mouse
-        toggle center orientation markers

Source: readme.txt, updated 2012-06-18