Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
miniGlue_Channel_original_r123.zip 2015-07-15 591.4 kB
miniGlue_original_r123.zip 2015-07-15 538.0 kB
miniGlue_Channel_original_r122.zip 2015-04-19 592.3 kB
miniGlue_original_r122.zip 2015-04-19 538.6 kB
readme.txt 2015-04-19 1.6 kB
Totals: 5 Items   2.3 MB 0
* miniGlue (embryo version) read me file *

This is the original version of miniGlue. The original miniGlue is aimed to make a light-weighted Photoshop-style layer management system. We want to make the code as easy as possible, easy to understand. We hope everybody could build his/her own layer-based image processing software on the fly with miniGlue.

In the "original" directory, there would be two projects in the beginning:

1. Original miniGlue

    * Photoshop-style layer manager.

    * Layer addition and insertion to a layer manager, 
      and deletion from a layer manager.

    * Rearranging layers with mouse drag and drop.

    * Mask supports of individual layer.

    * Layer merging.  

    * Brush stroke to a normal layer and its mask.

    * Brightness/Contrast layer.

    * Layer opacity settings.

    * Layer blend mode settings.

    * Multi-form supports.

2. miniGlue + Channel Manager

    * All the functions of original miniGlue.

    * A Photoshop-style channel manager. The layer manager could
      associated to a channel manager for manipulating the channels of
      a layer or layer's mask.

    * Color channels (R, G and B channel) management.

    * Alpha channels supports.

    * Layer Mask channel supports.

    * Quick Mask channel supports.

    * Brush stroke to an individual channel.

You could check out the latest code from the SVN repository:



Source: readme.txt, updated 2015-04-19