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Create enterprise-grade APIs, Database, AUTH, Integrations and more in minutes. No Back-End or DevOps expertise needed.

Unleash your app's potential with Deskree, the no-code backend platform that simplifies and accelerates the infrastructure development process. Effortlessly create and deploy your backend in minutes, regardless of your experience in backend or devops. No more struggling with infrastructure provisioning, architecture planning, and complex CI/CD pipelines! Deskree offers a comprehensive suite of features, including database management, authentication, user roles and permissions, REST and GraphQL API, and more. Transform your app development journey with the power of Deskree's user-friendly, intuitive platform.
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Supplier Diversity Management Software

Start, track, and grow your supplier diversity program with accurate supplier information.

SupplierGateway is an advanced Supplier Management Platform that streamlines supplier onboarding, compliance, and management. Our cloud-based solution automates manual processes, centralizes supplier data, and simplifies compliance tracking, making it easier for businesses of all sizes to enhance operational efficiency and supplier relationships. Key features include automated onboarding, centralized data management, compliance and diversity tracking, and spend analysis. The platform integrates seamlessly with existing systems, scales to meet diverse needs, helps reduce costs, improves compliance, and fosters innovation. Transform your supplier management with SupplierGateway.
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Board Meeting Portals Made Simple

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MyBoardPacket is the most straightforward, affordable, and secure solution for Board meeting portals on the market.

Additional Details for Mindtree Insight

Intended Audience

System Administrators, Developers

User Interface

Java Swing

Programming Language




Last Updated


Debuggers, Profiling, Logging, Log Parsers


bindul, regunathb, techworks

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