Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
Experimental 2014-02-16
NET 2012-05-31
Mono 2010-09-13
README 2013-05-28 583 Bytes
Totals: 4 Items   583 Bytes 0
MFM Release versions explanation.

"NET" folder: lagacy .msi installers for Windows.
"Mono" folder: lagacy binaries working under Mono.
"Experimental" folder: latest and progressive features, but might be little unstable. Litle "r" indicates SVN revision number.

I recommend to you to use Experimental branch. =)

FFmpeg Windows builds: http://ffmpeg.zeranoe.com/builds/

Libav Win32 autobuilds: http://win32.libav.org/win32/

qaac home: https://sites.google.com/site/qaacpage/

GPAC (MP4Box) builds: http://gpac.wp.mines-telecom.fr/downloads/gpac-nightly-builds/ 
Source: README, updated 2013-05-28