Other Useful Business Software
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging Icon
APIs for the next generation of business text messaging

For companies that need a reliable messaging API provider

Get your customers’ messages where they need to go with 99%+ deliverability. Telgorithm’s API automates A2P compliance & message management for faster, easier, & more reliable messaging, enabling you to offer the best service to your customers.
Propelling Payments for Software Platforms Icon
Propelling Payments for Software Platforms

For SaaS businesses to monetize payments through its turnkey PayFac-as-a-Service solution.

Exact Payments delivers easy-to-integrate embedded payment solutions enabling you to rapidly onboard merchants, instantly activate a variety of payment methods and accelerate your revenue — delivering an end-to-end payment processing platform for SaaS businesses.
Let your volunteer coordinators do their best work. Icon
Let your volunteer coordinators do their best work.

For non-profit organizations requiring a software solution to keep track of volunteers

Stop messing with tools that aren’t designed to amplify volunteer programs. With VolunteerMatters, it’s a delight to manage everything in one place.
Fully managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server Icon
Fully managed relational database service for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQL Server

Focus on your application, and leave the database to us

Cloud SQL manages your databases so you don't have to, so your business can run without disruption. It automates all your backups, replication, patches, encryption, and storage capacity increases to give your applications the reliability, scalability, and security they need.
The Secure Workspace for Remote Work Icon
The Secure Workspace for Remote Work

Venn isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer, whether BYO or company issued.

Venn is a secure workspace for remote work that isolates and protects work from any personal use on the same computer. Work lives in a secure local enclave that is company controlled, where all data is encrypted and access is managed. Within the enclave – visually indicated by the Blue Border around these applications – business activity is walled off from anything that happens on the personal side. As a result, work and personal uses can now safely coexist on the same computer.

Additional Details for Extended Java WordNet Library



Intended Audience

Information Technology, Science/Research, Education, Advanced End Users, Developers

Programming Language




Last Updated


Data Formats, Scientific/Engineering, Research



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