Name Modified Size InfoDownloads / Week
makeiso-2015.11.01.iso 2015-11-03 572.5 MB
makeiso-2015.11.01.iso.md5sum 2015-11-01 89 Bytes
Makeiso-2015.11.01.tar.gz 2015-11-01 3.6 MB
Makeiso-2015.11.01.tar.gz.md5sum 2015-11-01 95 Bytes
README 2015-11-01 2.5 kB
makeiso.2014-10-8.tar.gz 2015-10-08 56.6 kB
md5sum makeiso.2014-10-8 2015-10-08 123 Bytes
Makeiso.tar.gz 2015-09-23 56.4 kB
COPYING 2014-03-29 35.0 kB
LICENSE 2014-03-29 35.0 kB
Totals: 10 Items   576.3 MB 3
WARNING: This alpha development release of makeiso-2015.11.01 has been minamally tested.
This script must be run as root. READ the script to assure yourself all is ok 
prior to running. If you are unsure, I'd advise you to not use Makeiso at this stage.

Makeiso dependencies must be manually installed: archiso pacaur sudo

Instructions for testing:

1) Make directory /home/<username>/makeiso/) to uncompress the tarball contents.
2) Enter releng, open a terminal and su to root. Run ./makeiso

Makeiso will collect system and user config files, create a list of explicitly installed packages, 
pre-build all the buildable AUR packages on your system, and install all this into releng, 
then it will pass info to user prior to starting the iso build process.

The iso image will be placed in /home/<username>/makeiso/releng/iso/

See the following directories prior to building the iso to see results.

The script will list any failed AUR builds as ":: failed to build ....."
This may be due to various reasons from AUR script issues to dependency resolution issues, etc. 
Check if you can currently, manually build the failed packages on your system. 
makeiso log file in /home/<username>/makeiso/releng/makeiso.log

The live iso created by makeiso.sh uses a customized Ratpoison WM with: focus follows mouse intergraton, two GUI mouse and keyboard capable menus, set up for Super_L (left windows key) release key, has several keybinds set up and documented, has a good selection of both GUI and CLI tools installed, has a selectable console resolution mode and a selection of Terminus fonts, has the xorg-driver meta package installed for most graphics hardware support, has the virtualbox-guest-utils installed for vbox support, has the arch-install-scripts package installed, and has been set up for convenient console or GUI use.

Modifications, fixes, additions, subtractions, suggestions and feedback all encouraged.

Thanks for testing, Jeff 

jeffsa12 (at) yahoo (dot) com 
Archiso wiki: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Archiso for details 

Source: README, updated 2015-11-01