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Taking Logistics to the Next Level

Enterprise Warehouse Management Systems

By using state-of-the art wireless RF (Radio Frequency) scanners, warehouse managers/employees can easily keep track of inventory, shipments, and item statuses no matter how often they move. Items are tracked in real-time using RF Scanners and across multiple locations.
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Speech-to-Text APIs

Large Language AI models combined with speech recognition, all with a single API.

Businesses use Speechmatics worldwide to accurately understand and transcribe human-level speech into text regardless of demographic, age, gender, accent, dialect, or location in real-time and on recorded media. Combining these transcripts with the latest AI-driven speech capabilities, businesses build products that utilize summarization, topic detection, sentiment analysis, translation, and more.
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Remote Development Environments for Kubernetes Teams

Build and test using tools you love to move faster with Kubernetes.

Telepresence allows Kubernetes application developers to ship code to production faster and more safely, using the local tools they are comfortable with. Combined with Ambassador Cloud, Telepresence is the #1 tools for Kubernetes development teams.
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Websites, Bookings, Marketing, and Texting


Whether you're small business, event space, campground, bed and breakfast, hotel, lodge, vacation rental or other property owner, ResNexus is designed to make managing your business easy. With our easy-to-use website and business management software you spend less time worrying and more time doing the things you love. See how ResNexus can enhance your business today!
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Dealer Management Software

Trusted By More Than 21,900 Used Car Dealers

Frazer provides full-featured used car dealer software to independent auto dealers. Frazer's goals have always been simple– to provide dealers with a high-quality, easy-to-use Dealer Management System, at an affordable price, while ensuring that a friendly, knowledgeable support staff is there to back it up. Request a free trial to see what everyone in the automotive industry is talking about.

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