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Digital Adoption and User Training - in one solution

ClickLearn produces the right learning format for any training situation

ClickLearn captures work processes in enterprise software - and auto-produces learning content in 7 formats and 45 languages, creates a customisable e-learning portal and keeps documentation current with automatic updates.
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Print management system for direct buyers, brokers, in-plants and printers.

P3Software is a premier provider of intelligent print management solutions.

P3Software's affordable print management system, is ideally suited for corporate, non-profit and educational print buyers, print managers, in-plants and print manufacturers. Designed by print experts, this easy-to-use print procurement management system helps users manage the print sourcing and buying workflow, from initial job specification to project delivery. Core features include bid and buy or direct buy, customer proposal (estimate), customer direct ordering, enhanced CRM, powerful reporting, easy access to current and historical data, and outstanding training and support.
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Entity Management Software

Filejet’s entity management software organizes & files all of your entity reports: every year, in every jurisdiction – with total visibility.

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Speech-to-Text APIs

Large Language AI models combined with speech recognition, all with a single API.

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Argos KYC aims to provide a global online identity verification solution for KYC and AML screening.

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Argos KYC is an identity verification service provider. Identify Anyone Anywhere Anytime. Argos KYC provides a seamless digital Know Your Customer experience. Build the identity management system for your business with a hassle-free KYC solution.

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