
Alliance Beta v1.1.0 1130

  • DeathfireD

    DeathfireD - 2010-01-11

    This release brings some major, much needed, improvements. The most notable changes are that we no longer save hashes to memory. In staid things are saved to a localized database (H2). This allows us to display file sizes and other useful info a lot easier not to mention memory use is A LOT lower. The second notable change is that we now offer a native OS theme similar to how Firefox does there's. So if you're not liking the default Alliance theme because it's not looking good on your OS (We heard your crying Mac people), then you can go into options and switch to native OS theme. If you switch your theme you will have to restart alliance for it to take effect.

    There have been loads of other changes and optimizations, to many to count. Bastvera has been very busy these past few months coding the H2 database and recoding old features that would no longer with the new H2 database. Kratos has also been very active this past month making tweaks and other much needed improvements to make Alliance more use friendly and less buggy.

    Here is the change log

    * v1.1.0
    o Bug fix: Auto detection of external IP in LAN mode. (thanks Kratos)
    o Added: Portable mode to linux. (thanks Kratos)
    o Changed: "Always automatically connect to new friends of friends" to "Always automatically connect to all friends of friends". (thanks Kratos)
    o Added: Ability for plugins to insert a callback to the debug console. This allows plugins to add their own commands to the console. (thanks Kratos)
    o Fixed bug: Removing files when scanning is in progress no longer break communication.
    o Changed: View duplicates works again.
    o Changed: Display of filesizes in ShareView moved to tooltip.
    o Changed: DB memory usage reduced for big shares (100k files).
    o Changed: Improved scanning of removed files.
    o Changed: Improved database speed.
    o Fixed bug: BufferOverload when using "send as link to chat" on folder with more than 512 files.
    o Fixed bug: Several other minor bugs.
    * v1.0.9
    o Added: Display of filesizes in ShareView.
    o Changed: Database changed to H2.
    o Fixed bug: BufferOverload when you add folder with more than 512 files at once to download que.
    o Changed: Some UI elements.
    o Added: Native OS theme.
    o Fixed bug: Several other minor bugs.

    You can download here

    Follow us on twitter here

    Post your network codes here

  • red8316

    red8316 - 2010-01-12

    Thanks so much for ALL of your hard work. I look forward to using this and having a look at all the new features and fixes.

  • The Sentry

    The Sentry - 2010-01-12

    Great work everyone! I'm looking forward to trying it out as soon as possible.

    However, there is one thing I couldn't figure out: While it is easy for Linux users or Windows users who already installed a previous version of Alliance, how can a new user install the newest Beta correctly? Where should users place the extracted files for a fresh install? The readme.txt isn't that informative and not everybody is willing to do trial and error as I do ;)

  • Bastvera

    Bastvera - 2010-01-12

    1st make backup but its obvious.
    2nd if you use portable version the 'standaloneVersion' file was renamed to 'portable'
    3rd you overwrite alliance.exe and alliance.dat rest can stay.
    4thAfter that alliance should start and you do rescan because you need to rehash all staff again (new db). After some testing you can delete old files share.dat and share.idx because they are not used anymore.
    5th You report any oddities and bugs :-) (we have already found some of them but they are very minor and will be fixed in next release (releases should show much faster because db stuff was most painful to do). 

  • The Sentry

    The Sentry - 2010-01-12

    Thx for the quick answer, but you missed the main point of my question:

    What should you do if you NEVER had Alliance installed before? New user, new computer, everything …

  • Bastvera

    Bastvera - 2010-01-12

    If on windows vista/7 and you want to use program files folder then you copy all stuff form alliance folder and all is done.
    If you want to have all in one place (program, programs data, etc..) aka not using program files you copy all stuff from alliance folder + you copy 'portable' file. 1st solution doesn't need administrative rights.

  • The Sentry

    The Sentry - 2010-01-12

    thx, I will have a friend try it out tomorrow!

  • ijourneaux

    ijourneaux - 2010-01-13

    A couple of silly questions: How can you tell which version is being run? How do you force Alliance to rescan/rehash the folders?

  • Bastvera

    Bastvera - 2010-01-13

    When you start alliance you see version.
    To force rescan -> lower right corner of main window you have icon

  • ijourneaux

    ijourneaux - 2010-01-13

    That was odd (probably operator error). Thought I copied the alliance.exe and alliance.dat files to the Alliance folder I had. When I started up alliance, it seem to want to use the alliance.tmp file which resulted in version 1.08. Copied the files again but this time I deleted the tmp file and it started up as version 1.1.

  • ijourneaux

    ijourneaux - 2010-01-14

    I am still having difficulties with dropped connections with the Beta. We ahve Alliance beta installed at both ends. Both have identical routers using Tomato.  The problem appears to be on my end. I am the only one adding new files so perhaps that this the clue or maybe it is a red herring.

    When the connection drops, I show 1/1 indicated I am connected but the other computer shows 0/1. If I restart Alliance at my end, the transfer resumes.

    Would gladly do what ever testing is required to help troubleshoot.

  • DeathfireD

    DeathfireD - 2010-01-14

    Sounds like a port forwarding issue on your side. Are you sure both of you are port forwarding correctly?

  • Tim

    Tim - 2010-01-14

    The options window is way too tall for netbook displays.

  • Bastvera

    Bastvera - 2010-01-14

    It will be changed in next release (change stuff + new stuff) so it will be smaller, but good you mentioned I will count netbook resolution as main size for this.

  • lateo

    lateo - 2010-01-15

    looks nice.
    i'll have a look at it asap.

    don't know when i'll release the debian package though.
    hopefully, i won't need to change too much stuff and it'll be fast.


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