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aircraftsched 2021-08-04
Readme.txt 2021-08-04 27.7 kB
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Files in the distribution:
    web                                 Contains the php source files for the scheduler
    img                                 Contains image files for the scheduler, aircraft 
                                        and instructors
    CreateEmptyAircraftSchedule.sql     SQL to create an empty database
    INSTALL                             this file
    LICENSE                             GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE

To Install:

1.  Files in the AircraftScheduling directory are support files. The php files for the scheduling program
    are in the web directory. All files use a relative path so it should not matter what the directory
    is called or where it is stored.

2.  The img directory is the directory for the image files for the aircraft. The image new.jpg is 
    used in the day display to show that a new aircraft may be scheduled. If you are storing the images
    in another directory, you will have to change the path in the config.inc file.
    The naming convention for the images:

    Aircraft:  n_number.jpg is a picture of the aircraft from the outside.
               n_number_panel.jpg is a picture of the instrument panel/interior.

3.  Create Database:  mysqladmin create ScheduleDB (can be any name that you want, just make
    sure it is the same name in $db_database in SiteSpecific.inc).

4.  Create Tables and load data: mysql ScheduleDB < CreateEmptyAircraftSchedule.sql

5.  Set the login and configuration information for the database in the files config.inc 
    and SiteSpecific.inc.

6.  Starting file for the scheduler program is index.php.

7.  The new database only has one login and that is the administrator login: admin password: admin. There
    are no aircraft or instructors created.

8.  Create users and aircraft using the Admin from the toolbar.

#   Modification History:
#        1.00   March 22, 2003 JCovington  Initial release of AircraftScheduling
#                                          from OpenFBO.
#        1.01   April 10, 2003 JCovington  Add instructor scheduling.
#                                          Expand search.php to search make,
#                                          model and resource name.
#                                          Remove estimated cost from view entries.
#                                          Correct timestamp entries to reflect
#                                          actual update and creation times.
#        1.02   April 20, 2003 JCovington  Show aircraft status (up or down), 
#                                          allow aircraft to be marked
#                                          up or down.
#        1.03   May 7, 2003    JCovington  Select make and model after creating
#                                          deleting, or updating an entry. 
#        1.04   May 30, 2003   JCovington  Correct error in scheduling on 15 mins.
#                                          Make the name a mailto entry on the view
#                                          entry screen.
#                                          Add times to right side of table and
#                                          header information to bottom of table in
#                                          day view
#        1.05   June 3, 2003   JCovington  Correct error when instructor ID is
#                                          the same as resourse ID in edit_entry_handler.
#                                          Don't allow the tail number to be changed
#                                          when modifying an aircraft.
#        1.06   August 3, 2003 JCovington  Add contact information to scheduling
#                                          conflict information.
#                                          Link instructor and aircraft that are 
#                                          scheduled together.
#                                          Correct display of aircraft images.
#                                          Allow standby requests.
#        1.07   August 24, 2003 JCovington Disable instructor scheduling when
#                                          scheduling an instructor.
#        1.08   Sept 24, 2003 JCovington   Add a notices box on login screen.
#        1.09   Oct 19, 2003  JCovington   Make the notices box bigger.
#        1.10   Nov 1, 2003   JCovington   Correct daylight savings problem in
#                                          weekly view.
#        1.11   Feb 28, 2004  JCovington   Don't display standby requests on previous
#                                          entries.
#        1.12   Mar 6, 2004   JCovington   General clean up of the user interface
#                                          to make it more consistent across
#                                          all screens.
#                                          Add journaling so that modfications
#                                          to the schedule are tracked.
#        1.13   Mar 14, 2004  JCovington   Add mailto: on copyright line.
#        1.14   Mar 14, 2004  JCovington   Add weather credit to config information.
#        1.15   Mar 15, 2004  JCovington   Correct print preview in report and
#                                          journal view.
#        1.16   Mar 29, 2004  JCovington   Use login name for logging journal
#                                          entries instead of created by name.
#                                          Adjust modification and creation times
#                                          for local timezone.
#                                          Use PHP Calendar class in place of
#                                          mincals.
#                                          Add a popup calendar for date goto buttons.
#                                          Set the maximum repeat period to a 
#                                          value from the config database.
#                                          Updating a phone number in Change User 
#                                          Info updates the phone number in existing
#                                          schedules.
#                                          Add config variable to allow viewing
#                                          the schedule without logging in. 
#                                          Display instructor phone number on
#                                          displayInstructor page.
#                                          Add a last updated time to the notices
#                                          text box on the logon screen.
#                                          Limit image sizes to avoid memory overflow.
#                                          Add a path in the config file for images.
#        1.17   Mar 31, 2004  JCovington   Add FBO name to all email messages.
#        1.18   Apr 2, 2004   JCovington   Add Executive Flight Center to config.
#        1.19   Apr 3, 2004   JCovington   Add session path to save sessions.
#                                          Write session before using header call
#                                          to redirect to another page.
#                                          Enable dynamic GD library loading.
#                                          Use PHPMailer class for sending email.
#                                          Update make and model name when an
#                                          aircraft is updated.
#        1.20   Apr 25, 2004   JCovington  Correct missing resources in new user
#                                          registration.
#                                          Disable loading of gd until errors
#                                          are corrected on ExecutiveFlightCenter
#                                          server.
#        1.21   Apr 27, 2004   JCovington  Enable loading of gd.
#        1.22   May 3, 2004    JCovington  Correct for instructor not found errors.
#                                          General error checking for missing
#                                          information.
#        1.23   Jul 21, 2004   JCovington  Change name of ExecutiveFlightCenter
#                                          mail server.
#        1.24   Aug 1, 2004    JCovington  Add flag to disable user, instructor
#                                          and aircraft management to support 
#                                          the offline program.
#                                          Change font on header line of add_instructor.
#                                          Make description text box hold more
#                                          characters in add_instructor.
#                                          Support checking out, checking in,
#                                          checked out as aircraft status types.
#                                          Force user to pick a new password if
#                                          password is blank or password expiration
#                                          date has been reached, 
#        1.25   Aug 11, 2004    JCovington Add field to disable printing of user's 
#                                          telephone number.
#                                          Correct setting of user's name and phone
#                                          number when changed in change_user_info
#                                          and user_mod.
#                                          Add journal entry when a new user registers.
#                                          Add multiple phone numbers for users.
#                                          Provide a method to update instuctor 
#                                          comments and pictures in update user
#                                          information.
#                                          Correct display of standby requests
#                                          so that any overlaps are shown.
#                                          Show hours until 100 hr, current tach
#                                          current hobbs, annual due on displayAircraft
#                                          page.
#                                          Correct Weekly view with all day scheduled
#                                          does not show last entry of last day of a 
#                                          repeating schedule.
#        1.26   Aug 11, 2004    JCovington Show correct error message when the user
#                                          can't modify the entry. 
#        1.27   Aug 19, 2004    JCovington Correct weekly view showing a half hour
#                                          more than scheduled.
#        1.28   Aug 21, 2004    JCovington Display any manager's message at user login.
#        1.29   Dec 8, 2004     JCovington Add logic to return to the correct page
#                                          after user login, weekly view, etc.
#                                          Correct aircraft and instructor drop
#                                          downs not working with Netscape.
#        1.30   Dec 23, 2004    JCovington Allow checking of currency for users
#                                          that are using the offline program.
#                                          Allow checking of bills for users
#                                          that are using the offline program.
#        1.31   Feb 21, 2005    JCovington Modify config files to store site specific
#                                          information in a separate file.
#        2.00   Jun3 3, 2005    JCovington Add aircraft checkin/checkout, aircraft
#                                          maintenance, inventory and business reports.
#                                          Correct showing of wrong months when an
#                                          invalid date is selected from goto on the
#                                          banner.
#        2.01   July 13, 2005   JCovington Add access to the member information
#                                          from the maintenance account (read only).
#                                          Add PRIVATE to aircraft filter selection.
#        2.02   July 14, 2005   JCovington Add screen to sell one item to multiple
#                                          users.
#                                          Add JavaScript code to validate dates
#                                          in AddModifyMember.php.
#                                          Add select after focus calls in JavaScript
#                                          to select a field that has an error.
#        2.03   July 16, 2005   JCovington Add check in aircraft check-in screen
#                                          so that if the aircraft is already checked
#                                          in, it won't check-in again.
#                                          Add total for dual time in DisplayCharges.
#                                          Add user's name to journal entries in
#                                          aircraft checkout and checkin.
#                                          Add user's name to journal entries in
#                                          AddModifyFlights.
#                                          Add urlencode to display procedures so 
#                                          that & won't cause a problem.
#        2.04   July 20, 2005   JCovington Correct grounding of aircraft during
#                                          checkin due to uninitialized variables.
#                                          Add journal entries when an aircraft
#                                          is grounded.
#                                          Correct incorrect display of standby
#                                          entries in view_entry.php.
#        2.05   July 21, 2005   JCovington Display member names in last, first
#                                          format. Internal names are still
#                                          first last.
#        2.06   July 26, 2005   JCovington Add option to turn off squawk entry.
#                                          Remove extra submit command from 
#                                          javascript code processing submit
#                                          buttons.
#                                          Don't attempt to send email if the
#                                          email address is invalid.
#        2.07   July 29, 2005   JCovington Adjust for timezone in GetDefaultTailNumber
#                                          for AircraftCheckout.php.
#        2.08   Aug 2, 2005     JCovington Limit the number of days that journal
#                                          entries are kept.
#                                          Allow the grounding status of squawks
#                                          to be changed.
#                                          Make the keycode upper case in the
#                                          DAR reports.
#                                          Make the Display screens remember the
#                                          sort order.
#                                          Remove the full SSN from the printed
#                                          reports.
#        2.09   Aug 9, 2005     JCovington Correct formating in help file.
#        2.10   Aug 18, 2005    JCovington Correct instrument comp check not
#                                          displaying expired.
#        2.11   Aug 24, 2005    JCovington Allow the cross-country fuel cost or the
#                                          cross-country fuel gallons to be used for
#                                          reimbursements.
#        2.12   Sep 8, 2005     JCovington Update the currency references in the
#                                          help system.
#                                          Change pre-solo written test currency
#                                          rule to expire after 100 years instead
#                                          of 2.
#        2.13   Sep 13, 2005    JCovington Make JavaScript comparisions case
#                                          insensitive in SellInventory.
#        2.14   Oct 10, 2005    JCovington Correct SQL error after adding a new
#                                          flight.
#                                          Correct grounding after adding a 
#                                          new flight.
#        2.15   Oct 11, 2005    JCovington Correct display of aircraft list
#                                          when aircraft checkin/out is disabled.
#        2.16   Oct 24, 2005    JCovington Correct rounding errors when updating
#                                          database records.
#        2.17   Oct 26, 2005    JCovington Don't let the goback parameter string
#                                          get too long.
#                                          Don't let the filter parameters make
#                                          the goback parameters grow.
#                                          Use the time zone adjustments for the
#                                          times in the check-in/out screens.
#        2.18   Dec 16, 2005    JCovington Correct quotes not allowing a squawk
#                                          to be updated.
#        2.19   Feb 19, 2006    JCovington Display all phone numbers in 
#                                          DisplayInstructorInfo.
#        2.20   Apr 19, 2006    JCovington Allow schedules to not be created
#                                          after a admin specified number of days.
#                                          Allow search to search for users.
#                                          Adjust last login display for time zone.
#                                          Change aircraft checkin and add/modify
#                                          flight screens to have the instructor as
#                                          a drop down box.
#                                          Add an instructor of record field to the
#                                          user information.
#                                          Allow squawk tracking to be enabled
#                                          on a per aircraft basis.
#                                          Allow a user to select the amount of
#                                          recent flight time displayed on the
#                                          CheckCurrency screen.
#        2.21   Apr 24, 2006    JCovington Remove checks for CurrencyRuleResult
#                                          != ClearedToFly and DoesntApply from
#                                          ParseCurrencyRules so that all expired
#                                          items will show expired.
#        2.22   Apr 25, 2006    JCovington Make sure an instructor is picked if
#                                          dual time is logged when checking in
#                                          an aircraft.
#        2.23   May 24, 2006    JCovington Add instructor of record to search
#                                          informaion.
#                                          Correct setting of resigned membership
#                                          date.
#                                          Allow names that have a quote in them
#                                          such as O'Neil.
#                                          Expand the AircraftScheduling_entry
#                                          phone_number value to hold more chars
#                                          so that more phone numbers will fit.
#                                          Show status of each aircraft type
#                                          currency on CheckCurrency page.
#                                          Allow search to search phone number
#                                          fields.
#        2.24   June 20, 2006   JCovington Correct month calculations in displaying
#                                          billing information.
#        2.25   July 9, 2006    JCovington Correct number of repeat days being limited
#                                          for privileged users.
#        2.26   July 12, 2006   JCovington Correct DeleteCurrencyField not 
#                                          correctly deleting the field
#        2.27   July 18, 2006   JCovington Change aircraft currency for students
#                                          to include initial check and written tests.
#                                          Make them information only for now. 
#        2.28   Aug 22, 2006    JCovington Add student name to charges screen if the
#                                          user is an instructor.
#                                          Add license agreement to the help system.
#                                          Split flight time and instructor time in
#                                          DAR reports.
#                                          Add cost of fuel to the aircraft monthly
#                                          billing reports.
#                                          Add birthday to export member information.
#                                          Add export capability for users.
#                                          Allow export of user, aircraft, flight,
#                                          charges, inventory and schedule information.
#        2.29   Sept 4, 2006    JCovington Require aircraft currency for students
#                                          to include initial check and written tests.
#        2.30   Sept 18, 2006   JCovington Correct display of -1 in student name in
#                                          DisplayMemberCharges.
#        2.31   Sept 24, 2006   JCovington Correct syntax error in SELECTS in 
#                                          StringFunctions.inc.
#                                          Show status of all aircraft for student
#                                          pilots in CheckCurrency.inc.
#        2.32   Oct 2, 2006     JCovington Add ALL option back to aircraft monthly
#                                          reports.
#                                          Return to proper screen after deleting
#                                          maintenance inventory item.
#        2.33   Aug 21, 2007    JCovington Allow sendmail as a site specific option for email.
#                                          Remove instructor from the schedule when
#                                          they have resigned or become inactive.
#        2.34   Aug 27, 2007    JCovington Correct showing 0.5 P&P when a 0 has been entered
#                                          in AddModifyFlights.
#        2.35   Sep 4, 2007     JCovington Allow currency prefix to be a configuration item.
#                                          Don't allow repeat entries to be deleted unless
#                                          the repeat entry id is valid.
#        2.36   Mar 26, 2008    JCovington Correct not printing DAR detail report for credit 
#                                          card entries.
#                                          Strip special characters from the login notice
#                                          before saving to the database.
#                                          Remove http: from the href entries so that relative
#                                          file pathnames are used (fixes problem in Safari).
#        2.37   Mar 27, 2008    JCovington Improve search capablility. 
#        2.38   Apr 17, 2008    JCovington Correct problems in search capablility. 
#        2.39   Aug 20, 2008    JCovington Correct length problems in inventory screens. 
#                                          Handle quotes correctly in AddModifyMember.
#        2.40   Sep 1, 2008     JCovington Handle quotes correctly in AddModifyInventory.
#        2.41   Sep 15, 2008    JCovington Handle quotes correctly in AddModifyInventory (again).
#                                          Correct invalid name in DisplayMemberCharges when adding
#                                          a charge for the current user.
#                                          Add support for picture upload to aircraft and instructors.
#                                          Don't display invalid squawks in AddModifyAircraft screen
#                                          when adding new aircraft.
#        2.42   Mar 26, 2011    JCovington Add ability to rename usernames.
#        2.42A  May 28, 2010    D Wyers     /* Updated May 2010 to support Apache 2.2.11, PHP 5.3.0 & MySQL 5.1.36
#                                           * by Dave Wyers "dave dot wyers at gmail dot com"
#                                           *
#                                           * The following global changes were made to make the application
#                                           * compatable with the current PHP and MYSQL versions
#                                           *
#                                           * 1/ HTTP_GET_VARS was replaced with the _GET
#                                           * 2/ HTTP_POST_VARS was replaced with the _POST
#                                           * 3/ split() was replaced with preg_split()
#                                           * 4/ mktime is_dls was removed (Will need to impliment time zones)
#                                           * 5/ the < ? tag was replaced with the < ?php tag
#                                           * 6/ ereg_replace replaced with preg_replace
#                                           * 7/ Commented out the weather lines in global_def.inc
#        2.43   Apr 11, 2011    JCovington Remove single quotes from inventory items.
#        2.44   Dec 11, 2011    JCovington Merge Dave Wyers 2.42 baseline with my 2.43 baseline.
#        2.45   Feb 20, 2017    JCovington Change Redstone site config to use a local directory
#                                          for storing session files.
#        2.46   Dec 12, 2018    JCovington Change flight plan information to support ICAO.
#                                          Add journal entry to logon.php when a user is diabled.
#                                          Change hobbs field length to allow > 10000 hours.
#        2.47   Sep 1, 2019     JCovington Correct missing hobbs and aircraft type in aircraft
#                                          checkout sheet.
#        2.48   Mar 28, 2021    JCovington Updates to support PHP version 8.
#        2.49   May 13, 2021    JCovington Correct problems with updates to PHP version 8.
#   Items to do:
#   1) Update other language files to match the lang.en file.
#   2) Only session authorization type has been developed and tested.
Source: Readme.txt, updated 2021-08-04