
Insectivore on Eclipse 3.1 RC1 Doesn't work

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    We've been using this plugin on Eclipse 3.0 and had good success with it. However, it doesn't appear to work properly in Ecliplse 3.1 RC1. The plugin installs, and I can see the buttons and the exsting tasks. But when I try to create a new one the edit screen will not render anything, and if I try to view an existing task I get an error log entry saying "Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface".

    I'm assuming that this is some sort of change from 3.0 to 3.1 but beyond that I'm not sure. Anyone else had this problem?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I'm getting the same problem with the full release version of 3.1.  From the log, the problem appears to be:
      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/ui/internal/misc/AcceleratorHook

      • Todd Chambery

        Todd Chambery - 2005-07-05

        I've verified this error, but I'm not sure when I'll get around to making Insectivore 3.1 compatible.  I'd be interested in how you are using it though--I thought the last changes to the plugin made it much more usable.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I am also missing this plugin in 3.1
      So much that I think about goung back to 3.0... or is a solution on the way?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      It seems like this plugin is not maintained/developed anymore?

      • Todd Chambery

        Todd Chambery - 2005-07-13

        Unfortunately, I've not used it on any of the professional projects I've worked on, and as free time is getting hard to come by, further development has become a low priority.  Not to say an upgrade won't happen; just no timetable on when.

        • Michael R Head

          Michael R Head - 2005-07-13

          All comers are welcome to join in and help out! Patches are welcome, and we'd even grant cvs commit privileges to anyone that wants to work on it.

    • Rainer Weinhold

      Rainer Weinhold - 2005-07-24

      Hi, I got the same Problem. (A not defined Class AcceleratorHook )

      So I downloaded the source. I Patched the

      But I must warn you, I only commented the lines only out! It seems to be working. If someone want to try, you can find the patched JAR file and the source here :  Just replace the jar File in the %Eclipse%\Plugins\org.zclipse.insectivore_1.1.1\ Directory

      Have fun.

    • Todd Chambery

      Todd Chambery - 2005-07-28

      Thanks for the fix, Ranier!  I built a new zip with your code for Eclipse 3.1.  It should be available from the Files download page.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I would like to download Insectivore for Eclipse 3.1 but the file doesn't appear to be there even though it is listed in the download section.

      • Todd Chambery

        Todd Chambery - 2005-08-02

        Sorry about that.  I've uploaded (and downloaded) a new zip.


    • techsyn

      techsyn - 2005-08-02

      Thanks for getting that up so quick.
      I downloaded and checked it and seems to work great.


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