
Philosophy and Reasoning

We would like to announce that X3D Tool Kit is back from the dead. My company needed a good X3D parser for a project we were working on and X3DTK was the closest to complete and cross platform we could find. Contacting Yannick Le Goc (the original author) proved somewhat difficult, but we finally contacted some people at his old company who were quite happy to see us pick up the project and run with it. We only plan on enhancing the aspects of X3DTK that we need for our work, however we welcome any and all developers who want to add things to the ToolKit that we are not planning on working on.

Primary emphasis will be on proper X3D behavior as specified by the standards committee. While we are a private company with specific goals we are not going to hack the library up just so it will work well for us. The most important part from our perspective is the parsing of an x3d file into a logical tree structure that can then be navigated and converted into renderable objects. We don’t use the GLSceneGraph or MeshSceneGraph parts of X3DTK so we are unlikely to spend time working on that portion of X3DTK.

If you would like to work on X3DTK, please send us some email. I would love to add some developers who want to work on the OpenGL/Mesh side of X3DTK.

Larry E. Ramey
Paul Kerchen

Posted by Larry E. Ramey 2006-12-29

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