
WebMapReduce / News: Recent posts

WebMapReduce 2.0 Available

This version moves the frontend from a PHP to a Python Django web server, includes new and improved documentation, adds support for C and C#, adds more secure user registration, and improves on various pieces of the code. To download, see the Download page at For installation instructions, see the Administration Guide at

Posted by Stephen Lee 2012-08-10

WebMapReduce 1.0.2 Available

This version fixes several bugs and improves stability. A corresponding new Amazon EC2 AMI has also been released. Read the Getting Started page and then download it or set up a cluster in the cloud.

Posted by Tim Yates 2011-02-12

Version 1.0 Released

WebMapReduce is exiting its pre-release status with the official 1.0 release! Updates over Pre-Release 2 include packaged examples, updated documentation, and support for features like numeric sorting.

We are also proud to announce the release of the CS in Parallel site (, which offers resources for educators teaching parallelism—including classroom materials for use with WebMapReduce.

Posted by Tim Yates 2010-08-07

Pre-Release 2 and EC2 Images Available

The second pre-release version of WebMapReduce is now available. This version fixes some bugs we had overlooked (and even introduced) while first releasing the project.

In addition, we have publicly released our Amazon EC2 virtual machine images. These images, along with their documentation, make it easy to use WebMapReduce on Amazon's cloud computing service—letting you harness the full power of a map-reduce cluster without the huge setup cost.... read more

Posted by Tim Yates 2010-07-23

First Public Pre-Release

The WebMapReduce project is finally publicly available as a pre-release version. Teaching materials, which were intended to be part of the official release, are in development. In the meantime, the program is available for download through the SourceForge site. Start with the Administration Guide--it will explain what files you need to download.

Posted by Tim Yates 2010-07-06