
What accuracy is returned for "tes...

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I'm running test on a baseline model I created for regression (continuous
    values for output). The output is 237.21. What does that mean? It doesn't look
    like it's the average error or sum of all the errors. Could you please advise?

    Also, I'm not really clear on what algorithms can be used for regression and
    what can be used for classification? Could you clarify this as well?


  • Mike Gashler

    Mike Gashler - 2010-12-29

    Sorry for the delayed reply. (SourceForge used to notify me when the forum was
    updated, but I haven't been receiving any notifications lately.)

    Baseline is probably the poorest of all learners. (This is by design as it is
    used as a "baseline" for comparison.) For regression, it always predict the
    centroid value in the training set, and for classification it always predicts
    the most common label.

    The best models for regression are GKNN (if you have very few feature
    dimensions) and GNeuralNet (if you have a lot of feature dimensions).
    GNeuralNet is the best choice if you know what you're doing. Unfortunately,
    neural nets have a lot of parameters. If you want something easy to use, you
    might try a bagging ensembles of decision trees, or mean-margins trees (use
    GBag with GDecisionTree or GMeanMarginsTree).

    You may notice that some of the models (like GNeuralNet) expect all values to
    be continuous, and other models (like GNaiveBayes) expect all values to be
    nominal. You can use the GFilter class to solve this problem. For example, If
    you wrap GNeuralNet in a filter with the GNominalToCat transform, then it can
    operate on any type of data. Likewise, if you wrap GNaiveBayes in a filter
    with the GDiscretize transform, then it can operate on both nominal and
    continuous data. Thus, the GFilter class can make all of my models suitable
    for doing classification or regression. (GKNN and GDecisionTree implicitly
    handle both types without using a filter.)

    Here is a command-line example of how to test a neural net with some
    regression problem:

    waffles_learn crossvalidate mydata.arff nominaltocat neuralnet -addlayer 32

    Here is a command-line example of how to test a bagging ensemble of mean
    margins trees with some regression problem:

    waffles_learn crossvalidate mydata.arff bag 50 nominaltocat meanmarginstree

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Thanks for the reply, however I'm really looking for how the error is
    calculated specifically. For example, here are my real values and
    corresponding predicted values on a baseline regression:

    Actual value Prediction

    138.3206093 119.2596578

    102.8708374 119.2596578

    139.3020113 119.2596578

    141.8271008 119.2596578

    139.6765169 119.2596578

    98.11396617 119.2596578

    108.4569783 119.2596578

    116.8517775 119.2596578

    141.6157746 119.2596578

    112.674653 119.2596578

    119.3599495 119.2596578

    119.9591068 119.2596578

    127.3965653 119.2596578

    127.0143511 119.2596578

    81.17963669 119.2596578

    90.81633395 119.2596578

    115.0208661 119.2596578

    115.6759148 119.2596578

    132.5177658 119.2596578

    102.8526855 119.2596578

    129.059482 119.2596578

    120.6570755 119.2596578

    123.2283525 119.2596578

    113.7573259 119.2596578

    153.1416136 119.2596578

    121.3513454 119.2596578

    112.929818 119.2596578

    114.9028338 119.2596578

    126.4990625 119.2596578

    125.491234 119.2596578

    111.4105838 119.2596578

    117.5874593 119.2596578

    114.6671417 119.2596578

    91.29407153 119.2596578

    126.6072217 119.2596578

    And I'm getting a reported error of 237.21418379122. Where is this number
    coming from? I cannot find how it is related to the predicted values vs. the
    actual values. Here are the commands:

    waffles_learn train data1.arff baseline > base.twt

    waffles_learn.exe test base.twt data1.arff



  • Nobody/Anonymous

    The waffles_learn tool reports mean-squared-error (MSE) by default. In LaTeX,
    the formula would be: \frac{1}{n}\sum_i^{i<n}(target_i - prediction_i)^2. (The
    square root of this value is closely related to Euclidean distance.) So, in
    this case, the prediction is about 15.4 away from the ideal an average.

    Another common metric is mean-absolute-error (MAE), which is the average of
    the absolute difference between the target and prediction. Perhaps this is the
    value you were expecting. I chose to report MSE because it has nicer
    properties, and because it is more commonly used in my field. Now that you
    mention it, I should probably add a switch so you can specify how you want the
    error to be reported.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    That makes sense, thanks.



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