
Search Up - Shift+/

  • Zachariah Kendall

    I don't think my search up behaves as it should. I expect it to behave the same as search forward.

    However, my search up doesn't seem to work except when I first do a search forward, then if I do a search up it searches for the word I searched forward for! And the cursor only goes to the first character on the (next?) line; it doesn't highlight the search result like forward search does. And if I use n it continues to search up (for the wrong term) correctly, but N does nothing. :/

    Any thoughts?

    PS. Why don't you have a donate button anywhere on your project pages?

  • Kevin

    Kevin - 2014-04-29

    You're right, this is a bug in 0.42.0. I was tempted to release a 0.42.1 with this fix but it actually took a couple weeks before someone found it. I took this to mean '?' isn't used very often and could wait for the next release.

    If you upgrade to the current build on the unstable update site it will fix the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Also, I don't have a donate button because I receive contributions from people all over the world. I'd feel bad keeping all the donations myself and I have no way of distributing donations among all the contributors. It's easier to distribute $0 evenly among everyone. Besides, we're hosted on sourceforge and github, we don't have any operational costs. I appreciate the thought. :)


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