
VideLibri 1.7 released

VideLibri is a daemon-like, platform-independent app that can show and automatically renew all your books lend in certain libraries, so you will never forget to return them. It can also perform all other operations of a library catalog, like searching or ordering books.

A major change of the 1.7 version is that multiple book actions are merged together if possible, e.g. when some books are about to be renewed and the user selects some other books to renew, a single renew request for all items is send to the server.
A few bugs were solved, mostly regarding the supported library systems (e.g. for sisis renewing in a non standard order) and the standard compatibility of the interpreter for the underlying XQuery based scripting language (e.g. values of different types were casted to the wrong common type when used in comparisons).

Since all currently supported libraries are in German speaking countries the program itself is in German, but we will create a translation and/or add support for certain libraries, if requested. Adding account functionality for any new library that does not use JavaScript in its catalog is completely automated nowadays and usually takes a few minutes. (But with JavaScript and catalog searching it can take a few days.)

Binaries are provided for Windows, Linux and Android on

Posted by Benito van der Zander 2015-05-26

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