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File Date Author Commit
 Chirplets 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 Demos 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 PTFR 2014-12-18 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [2f60e3] Added files received from Prof. Dr. Z.K Peng
 Quartic 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 Symplectic 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 TypeI 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 TypeII 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 TypeIV 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 Utils 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 Changes 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 Contents.m 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 Copyright 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 DTFDPath.m 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 GNU_GPL 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 Makefile 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 README 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit
 ToDo 2014-12-17 Jeff O'Neill Jeff O'Neill [c34287] Initial commit

Read Me

See DiscreteTFDs/Copyright

This is a collection of Matlab files for time-frequency
analysis.  However, if you don't have Matlab, you can try Octave
or SciLab

These programs are either a result of my research or something that I
found useful enough to spend the time to implement.  Included are: a
rigorous implementation of time-frequency distributions (Cohen class),
some quartic time-frequency distributions, chirplet decomposition based
on maximum likelihood estimation, fractional Fourier transform,
time-varying filtering, and other useful little utilities.  There
isn't a manual, but you can find details in my papers on the 
DiscreteTFDs website.

The files are located in several sub-directories:

  Chirplets  -- atomic decomposition based on maximum likelihood estimation
  Demos      -- demonstrations to get you started
  Symplectic -- symplectic transformations (fractional Fourier transform)
  TypeI      -- routines for computing type I TFDs (the Cohen class)
  TypeII     -- routines for computing type II TFDs
  TypeIV     -- routines for computing type IV TFDs
  Quartic    -- some quartic functions from my research
  Utils      -- some useful utilities

You will need to add something like the follwing lines to your 
startup.m file (do not put a trailing '/' at the end of p!):

	p = '/home/jeffo/matlab/DiscreteTFDs';
	path(path, p)
	clear p

If you are using a Macintosh or MS Windows, then you will need to edit 
DTFDPath.m to reflect your system path conventions.

At the MATLAB prompt type "help DiscreteTFDs" for a list of available 
functions, and use "help" to get information on each function.

For someone who knows very little about the area of TFDs and wants to
experiment, I would recommend using binomial2, born_jordan2, and
spec2 with window lengths ranging from 16 to 128.

This is likely the last ever update to DiscreteTFDs.

Thanks to Steven Van Vaerenbergh for providing updates to allow
DiscreteTFDs to work with the latest version of the Matlab Optimization

Jeff O'Neill