
#315 Full Screen with only the editor (Allow distraction free mode)

Ruben Gomes


I'm working on a long LaTex doc and have been working in fullscreen. However I feel I get distracted and bothered by the menu bar and close button that remain visible even when in fullscreen mode. I feel that it should be possible to remove these as a customization option (maybe we can keep the scrollbar for now). Then if the user sets the option to hide everything, forgets the shortcut to close and gets stuck on fullscreen mode that's his own fault for having customized it that way. However I think this is a big plus for a tool which is already a wonderful utility.



  • Tino Weinkauf

    Tino Weinkauf - 2010-08-28

    Would the escape key be a goog shortcut to end the fullscreen mode? What do you think?

  • Ruben Gomes

    Ruben Gomes - 2010-08-29

    The Escape key definitely stands as an intuitive key the users can press to get out of the fullscreen mode.

    Just out of curiosity, I had a look at the 2Alpha3 code and the menu bar is an easy thing to remove. However it seems that the Close button is managed internally by the MFC classes when the main form goes into fullscreen mode (not sure if it uses a child form). Basically I couldn't manage to figure out what needed to be changed. If you guys get to implement this change I'd love to know how you got rid of the close button.

  • Tino Weinkauf

    Tino Weinkauf - 2013-06-30

    Ticket moved from /p/texniccenter/user-reports/1154/

  • Tino Weinkauf

    Tino Weinkauf - 2013-06-30
    • labels: Feature Request --> Feature Request, full screen, editor, ui, user interface
    • summary: Full Screen (Allow distraction free mode) --> Full Screen with only the editor (Allow distraction free mode)
    • Group: --> Final_Release_(1.0)
    • Priority: 5 --> 3
  • Tino Weinkauf

    Tino Weinkauf - 2013-06-30

    I had a look at it and we are just calling a MFC function. It will not be easy to fix this.



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