
ControlledPaths vs. ControlledRepos

E. Smith
  • E. Smith

    E. Smith - 2009-09-16

    SubversionNotify 2.0.10:

    ControlledPaths is required. ControlledRepos is optional and points at the repo.

    Are these two things ANDed or ORed to each other when determining if a commit applies to the current RepoPathConfig element?

  • mmckechney

    mmckechney - 2009-09-17

    They are "AND"'d. The committed file will need to match the path in the ControlledPaths *and* be committed for the repository declared in the ControlledRepos.

  • E. Smith

    E. Smith - 2009-09-17

    But ControlledRepos supports multiple repo specifications, so must it match any one repo AND any one path?

  • mmckechney

    mmckechney - 2009-09-17

    In the case where you specify more than one *ControlledRepos*, it does do an "OR" comparison for those values. The same is true for multiple *ControlledPaths* settings. However, to get a *RepoPathConfig* to apply, there has to be at least one match for a combination of *ControlledRepos* and *ControlledPaths* - does that make sense?

  • E. Smith

    E. Smith - 2009-09-17

    So if you have no match between at least one of the paths and at least one of the repos, the RepoPathConfig does not match the commit, right?

  • mmckechney

    mmckechney - 2009-09-17


  • E. Smith

    E. Smith - 2009-09-17

    Thanks, Mike.


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