
STXXL 1.2.0 has been released.

The core of STXXL is an implementation of the C++ standard template library STL for external memory (out-of-core) computations, i.e., STXXL implements containers and algorithms that can process huge volumes of data that only fit on disks. While the compatibility to the STL supports ease of use and compatibility with existing applications, another design priority is high performance.

What's new in 1.2.0?

* The block management layer is now thread safe.
* stxxl::priority_queue - several bugs fixed, significant speed improvements.
* stxxl::vector, stxxl::sort, stxxl::stream::sort - significant speed improvements if blocks have padding.
* stxxl::map - fixed some cases where rebalancing could fail.
* Added checks to detect comparison operators and sentinels that don't fulfill the requirements.
* Added new test programs and some helper scripts.
* Unified behavior of the test programs, they can now be run in a semi-automatic test suite.
* Checked all test programs with valgrind's memcheck tool and fixed all bugs found so far.
* Improved build system further, e.g. now tries to autoconfigure the STXXL_ROOT path.
* Support new compiler releases g++ 4.3, icpc 10.1 and MSVC 9.0.
* Support Mac OS X and Windows Vista.
* Renamed/relocated several files, unified source code formatting, added proper Copyright/License headers to all source files.
* Lots of small fixes and many more changes. For a detailed list, please read the the CHANGELOG file.

Posted by Andreas Beckmann 2008-07-05

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