
Sports Club Manager / News: Recent posts

S.C.M v1.0.1.0 Released

as i get to the point where i can spend some time on this i will make sure to release versions as much as i can, i'm currently looking at ways of release upgrade packages for joomla rather then having people uninstall and reinstall, or copy files by hand, but with a couple of things added to this version i am happy to release and happy to say that its working well in a live eviroment.

Posted by Glenn Tocher 2010-04-19

S.C.M v1.0.0.0 Alpha build release

On this day. 16-April-2010, i have decided to open my ongoing project up to the public in order to improve the system. This is my first project for the CMS known as Joomla! and my main reason for making this public is to get as much feedback and ideas of what to put into it as possible for future releases... Please do leave your comments and constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy

Posted by Glenn Tocher 2010-04-16