
SilverTunnel-NG / News: Recent posts

Version 0.0.4 released to Maven Central

Version 0.0.4 works on Android.

Tested and verified on Nexus 5 Android 5.1:
- access normal URL through Tor
- access hiddenservice
- provide hiddenservice and access it with Tor Browser
Android project used for tests :

Only problem is the memory consumption, to overcome this issue you can check how it is made in the mentioned github-Project.

SilverTunnel-NG 0.0.4 has been successfully tested with the following VMs:
Oracle JDK 1.6
Oracle JDK 1.7
Oracle JDK 1.8
OpenJDK 1.6
OpenJDK 1.7... read more

Posted by Tobias Boese 2015-05-22 Labels: 0.0.4 Android Release


The newest Version 0.0.4-SNAPSHOT is finally working with Android!

Providing a Hiddenservice unfortunately still doesnt work, but I'm working on it.

The newest SNAPSHOT has been deployed to Maven Central.

An sample project for Android can be found here :

Posted by Tobias Boese 2015-05-19 Labels: android 0.0.4-SNAPSHOT

Version 0.0.2 deployed to Maven Central

the new release 0.0.2 is now deployed to maven central.

Now all important Unittests are working fine.

Known problems/issues :

  • Circuit buildup is sometimes slow
  • In some cases the download of the consensus document freezes and stops the Tor layer from successfully starting up.

Hidden Service Server part is working.

Posted by Tobias Boese 2013-12-13 Labels: maven