
How To Auto Detection software installed folder In 7-zip

  • Crazyman

    Crazyman - 2015-05-27

    I Want To Create 7-zip Sfx Extraction File But I Want to Auto Detection software installed folder Then Extract In that folder Please Help Me Thanks Alot Please Help
    Software Not Install In Drive C:\%ProgramFiles%\ ....
    I Don't Know Where Install This File But I Want To Auto Detect With 7zip And Extract There


    Last edit: Crazyman 2015-05-27
  • Shell

    Shell - 2015-05-27

    You may use a batch file together with SFX for installers (from 7z_extra package). The SFX will extract files to a temporary folder, but you can then use reg query to obtain the installation path from the registry and move to place the files into that path.

    In order to extract the files directly to the target location, you have to patch SFX source code.

  • VictorVG

    VictorVG - 2015-05-28

    This fuss with reading the Register via external tools with parsing result. It is difficult, it is easier to write the same NSIS three dozen lines and let it calls an external installer found a way of passing it as a parameter. Decision and techniques long and well known, so why invent something new and error-prone?

    7z SFX will launch a NSIS-program that will find in the Register the installation path and the second stage will launch the main installer passing it as a parameter to the installation path, the window disappears elementary NSIS ...


    Last edit: VictorVG 2015-05-28

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