

  • Maria de L.T.Domingues

    In column TIME ELAPSED time is strange. Example:
    on a day when the user worked 8 hours on company, time in this column is 10:23:11.
    How can you explain?


  • Frederic Marchal

    The elapsed time is the time the proxy spent processing requests from the user.

    The value is not related to the time the user surfed the web because it is not possible to know what the user did with the data downloaded from the web. For instance, the user could discard the page after a few seconds or could play a game for hours.

    So, why is it as big as 10 hours or even more than 24 hours a day? It is due to multiple connections occurring at the same time: images, css, javascript but also multiple tabs and frames in a browser, applications and OS looking for updates, and so on.

    Sometime, a website is not available and the connection ends up with a timeout. The full timeout is counted in the elapsed time too and drives the value up. This is not uncommon as some application tries multiple servers before finding one that's available.



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