
Exported from CVS, has 42 errors

  • meconlin

    meconlin - 2004-10-30

    I exported the project from cvs, however when I attempt to build I receive 42 errors. Should I be exporter a specific more stable version?

    Thank you.

    • andrew lee

      andrew lee - 2004-11-21

      haha,i also want to export a CVS prom CVS form,but i cant't ,why?

    • Cinek

      Cinek - 2004-11-22

      Can you give me more details, please?

      - what did you check out and how?
      - which JDK-version do you use?
      - how did you try to compile?

      There are no problems right now and the code is of course freely available for everyone, according to the GPL. We do not have any special restrictions.


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