
Roomba Monitor Package added to Roomba-Term


Added this new VB.Net 2005 which uses the C# Roomba class.
Roomba Monitor is intended to be a separate app that will
display various Roomba statistics. It is intended to serve
as a tool to "watch" Roomba, run 'macros', etc while you
experiment with him.

It automates many of the procedures done manually with
Roomba-Term. My goal is for it to be simply a sensor packet
"sniffer" and to display applied knowledge about Roomba's
performance. This app is not intended to replace
Roomba-Term. In fact, I am using as a tool for myself
to figure out ways to make Roomba-Term a more stable app.

I have no documentation for this item yet. It should be easy
to pick up if you are already familiar with roomba-term.
This app is very rough around the edges.

I chose VB.Net because I want to show how all .Net code is
really the same. The language should not matter to the
programmer using my roomba apps.

Posted by Kevin Gabbert 2006-07-02

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