
robocode used for license

  • nicko

    nicko - 2013-12-25

    hello , I need some answers about robocode, and if someone from here if could give me these answers it would be wonderfull, for example I would like to know if robocode is enough complex to be used in a license university project(I am stating from scratch with robocode), and for example if I could implement IA algorithms with robocode , like neural networks or something else?
    If this is possible, could someone tell me with what I should start study, and if neural networks domain is enough interesting, from where I could learn quickly about?
    Thank you!

  • Flemming N. Larsen

    Hi Nicko,

    Robocode is very suitable for university projects. In fact, lots of other universities uses Robocode for the same purpose. That is, creating some AI algorithm like neural networks for a Robocode robot.

    I recommend that you take a good look at the RoboWiki and just search on the net using search text like "Robocode university" and "robocode neural network". There is a lot of stuff out there about how to make a good AI for Robocode. :-)

    I hope you find what you are looking for.


    Last edit: Flemming N. Larsen 2014-01-02

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