
Tree [56e2e6] default /

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File Date Author Commit
 data 2011-12-21 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [527a56] Versioned as 3.0b1, first beta release.
 include 2012-04-15 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [d62534] Added two more CLI options:
 lib 2011-11-15 Mpnordland Mpnordland [e5af25]
 projectFiles 2012-03-22 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [f2af84] Deleted the C::B layout file since it's not doi...
 scripts 2012-07-11 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [56e2e6] Added a hidden file in scripts/m4 since Mercuri...
 src 2012-04-15 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [d62534] Added two more CLI options:
 AUTHORS 2011-11-15 Mpnordland Mpnordland [e5af25]
 COPYING 2011-11-15 Mpnordland Mpnordland [e5af25]
 ChangeLog 2011-11-15 Mpnordland Mpnordland [e5af25]
 DEVELOPERS 2012-01-03 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [53adc4] Updated the installation instructions.
 INSTALL 2011-11-15 Mpnordland Mpnordland [e5af25] 2012-03-09 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [99b00e] Reworked the way to catch Bypasses. Now the com...
 NEWS 2011-11-15 Mpnordland Mpnordland [e5af25]
 README 2012-01-03 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [53adc4] Updated the installation instructions. 2012-03-09 Robert Rosman Robert Rosman [99b00e] Reworked the way to catch Bypasses. Now the com...

Read Me

Net Responsibility is intended to be a good open source accountability software
for all major platforms. It's purpose is to prevent people from certain surfing
habits by holding them accountable to others. 
This is done by logging all internet traffic and generating clear reports that
are emailed regularly to the accountability partner(s).

First you need to install libPoco ( Either find a 
precompiled package and install (it should be version 1.4.0 or later), or 
download the complete source and compile it yourself.
Net Responsibility is designed to follow the regular GNU make-chain. To install
the software, open a terminal and run:

cd [Net Responsibility Top Dir (this dir)]
make install  #As root

On Linux and Mac you'll need GCC and libpcap, while Windows requires MinGW,
MSYS and WinPcap to be installed. Note that you'll have to run the commands
inside the MSYS-terminal on Windows.

To uninstall Net Responsibility you can run:

make uninstall  #As root
make clean

More installation instructions can be found in the file INSTALL.

The first place to look for help is our website, 
If you have any specific questions that are not answered there, you can send an 
email to

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

If you want to help us out with this project, please read the file DEVELOPERS 
and contact us. There are several ways in which you can help, depending on 
your skills.

Net Responsibility was first developed by Scott Severence. Without his efforts 
this project would probably not be what it is. His code is found in all versions 
up to 2.0.2.
This project heavily relies on the Poco C++ Library, found at This library have made the whole journey a lot easier!
Other software with the same purpose, mainly x3watch and Covenant Eyes, have 
been a big inspiration. If Net Responsibility is not working good enough for 
you, consider using one of these.