
#135 Extremely long single line queries cause eclipse to lock up

Quantum (119)

I am working on a project that has a number of extremely long, one line queries in it. Using Quantum with these queries has become near impossible due to a speed issue with parsing long lines of text.

Quantum starts to slow down when parsing text in excess of 1500 characters in one line. However once you get to around 10000 characters it causes eclipse to lock up untill it finishes parsing the string.

If the query is split up onto multiple short lines then the problem doesn't appear.

Because of the slow down it means I need to edit my query in another screen (so it's in multiple short lines) before I can start using it in Quantum.

This was tested on Quantum 3.0.3 under Eclipse 3.2.1 and Java 1.5.9


  • Julen Parra

    Julen Parra - 2007-02-19

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    Originator: NO

    There was some work done on that (although I seem to remember it referred to very long files instead of very long lines). I'll check the status on that. Could you precise if you are using the Query View or editing a .sql file using the sql editor? They at the moment use different parsing systems.

    Good vibes.


  • JunoAU

    JunoAU - 2007-02-20

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    The problem occurs in the query view. Thanks for looking at this!


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