
Vista Compatibility information on Wiki?

  • naoki iimura

    naoki iimura - 2007-06-28

    I think we need a document about compatibility with Windows Vista on Wiki.

    Brian, can you write the compatibility information?
    I'll translate it into Japanese.


    • Brian Smith

      Brian Smith - 2007-06-28

      >> I think we need a document about compatibility with Windows Vista on Wiki <<

      OK, I'll write something about 0.22.5 and Vista.


      • Alec Burgess

        Alec Burgess - 2007-07-04

        Brian: wrt. Popfile, installers and Vista "problems" have you seen this Ms TechNet article:
        Script Elevation PowerToys for Windows Vista

        Even if not directly relevant its interesting reading.

        Regards ... Alec

        • Brian Smith

          Brian Smith - 2007-07-05

          Thanks for the link, Alec. I'd not seen that article before.

          There has also been a lot of discussion about this problem in the NSIS support forum. After some experimentation I have managed to use one of the suggested solutions to make an installer that lets a standard account user install POPFile in the same way as it installs on older versions of Windows.

          But I still need to sort out how the installer handles the registry etc. During my research I came across a utility that might help show me what needs to get modified. All I need to do is find that utility - my development files are currently split over two machines and the files I want always seem to be on the other machine ;)


    • Brian Smith

      Brian Smith - 2007-07-03

      >> OK, I'll write something about 0.22.5 and Vista. <<

      I've created a new page in the wiki at and added some links to it.

      I have also started modifying the installer to make it work properly when it is used from a standard account in Vista.

      This new installer should be ready by the weekend.



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