
Passing variables in an enclosed choreography

  • apelligra

    apelligra - 2007-07-17

    Good morning,
    I have the following choreography: two participants, a client and a server. There's an interaction in which the client sends a request message to the server, then there's a "Perform" action, which performs an enclosed choreography containing a silentAction of the server participant. When I generate the java code, in the class, generated for the server, I set a variable in which I put the content of the message received:

                            context.setVariable("serverVariable", message.getValue());

    In the class generated for the server, that is in the enclosed choreography, I would want to read the variable containing the message:


    But when I launch the test, it gives me an error:

    GRAVE: Converting service exception 'org.pi4soa.service.VariableUnavailableException: Variable unavailable: serverVariable' into exception event

    I think this is because I would have to add a bindVariable in the perform activity, but I can't do in this way, because I don't know previously the name and the type of the variable.
    There's a way so that I could read the content of a variable from an enclosed choreography through something like context.getVariable, even if the variable is created out of the enclosed choreography?
    Thanks in advance.

    • Gary Brown

      Gary Brown - 2007-07-17

      The problem, as you have suggested, is that you would require a bind variable. At the moment it is not possible for the Java code to interrogate the variables in the context of a parent sub-choreography.

      Although this may be a useful thing to do, it is potentially dangerous when there are transactional implications of modifying information.

      I would suggest storing this type of information outside of the scope of the choreography session management mechanism - i.e. in a separate storage mechanism accessible by both the extension code.


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