
#3887 User Overview Page not available to users with no select Privilege


User's who do not have select privilege cannot visit User Overview Page(server_privileges.php).

Create a new User and give him all the privileges except SELECT

Now Login as the new user, USERS tab(in the top menu) is missing and thus there is no access to USER Overview page

So if a user who has just been granted with the right of "CREATE USER" privilege can't actually access the overview page and hence cannot create new user.

Cause: from menu.class.php, $tabs of users is defined only for superuser; and superuser is the user who can query "select count(*) from mysql.user". So the person who doesn't has the select privilege can't actually query and hence cannot view USERS tab.


  • Ayush Choubey

    Ayush Choubey - 2013-04-20

    I think we should make User tab visible for everyone rather than depending on whether he is a superuser or not. Because in the end if he doesn't has privilege then just his query will fail for which he can be notified that you don't have enough privilege.

    So, if this is all right can i do the change?

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-04-21

    It's not only a question of showing the Users menu tab. If you want to let this user create other users via the Users page, server_privileges.php must be modified too.

  • Ayush Choubey

    Ayush Choubey - 2013-04-21

    Yeah saw that, infact it seems there has to be some modifications in its server_privileges.lib.php also. I guess this one is pretty big, still studying its execution flow and would like to work on it.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-11-26

    I don't think we should fix that. A user having just CREATE USER could not, for example, assign databases rights to the user he's trying to create, nor could he see the user he just created, to make some modifications.

  • Marc Delisle

    Marc Delisle - 2013-11-26
    • status: open --> wont-fix