
Initiate Phase 0.2!

We have devised a general outline of how the project will be assembled, which can be viewed on our project web site. This was Phase 0.1, and possibly the easiest phase of the entire project. Now we are beginning Phase 0.2, which is defining the data structures and functional interfaces that the various modules will use to communicate with the core, and that the core will use to coordinate information between the modules. Having reduced everything to a handful of module types, we will have a much easier time devising these interface definitions.

For reference, here's a general outline of our current Phase layout:

Phase 0: Developing v0:

Phase 0.0: What are we after?

Phase 0.1: How will it work?

Phase 0.2: How will data be handled internally?

Phase 0.3: How will data be exchanged with users?

Phase 0.4: Will all of this work correctly?

Phase 0.5: Develop the Core.

Phase 0.6: Develop the generic AuthMod.

Phase 0.7: Develop the generic MySQL DBMod.

Phase 0.8: Develop the generic InMods.

Phase 0.9: Develop the generic OutMods.

Phase 0.10: Test it all together.

Phase 0.11: Release v0?

Further Phases follow the same basic outline.

- Richard

Posted by Sendo Shin 2009-06-11

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