
OWLMaker Build 3183

OWLMaker Build 3183 is now available for download.

This update is a thorough overhaul of OWLMaker, adding support for 64-bit C++Builder XE8. OWLMaker now has a separate 64-bit toolset selection for XE8. This toolset can drive the MSBuild project files (*.cbproj) found at "source/<module>/CBXE3" in OWLNext 6.40 and later. This allows you to build 64-bit static debug and release variants of OWLNext using C++Builder or RAD Studio XE8.

If you need to build other variants, you will have to modify the C++Builder project files. We welcome help in this area, so if you want to improve the support for 64-bit C++Builder, let us know in the forum or at ticket [feature-requests:#70].

Of course, OWLMaker still drives the old makefiles ("vc.mak" and "bc.mak") for Visual Studio and 32-bit C++Builder, but support for versions older than 6.34 has been dropped. If you need to build OWLNext 6.32 or earlier, you can either use the makefiles from the command line, or you can download an older build of OWLMaker in the Files area.

Other improvements in this update:

  • Improved wizard state tracking.
  • Simplified the wizard down to 5 pages (from 7).
  • Added option "Build with multiple processes" (/MP for VC++).
  • Revamped the main menu and added bitmaps to the menu items.
  • Bug fixes and source code improvements.

See revision [r3183] for the full details.


Commit: [r3183]

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2015-05-31 Labels: Update Tools 64-bit

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