
Tree [b47728] default tip /

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File Date Author Commit
 .settings 2013-06-07 leike leike [f5c6f1] Work in progress
 dist 2012-11-29 leike leike [93de96] Fixed null pointer exception for isAlumnus
 lib 2012-11-20 leike leike [51304a] Merge with added extra spilfields
 src 2013-06-11 leike leike [d47919] Work in progress.
 wsdl 2013-06-07 leike leike [f5c6f1] Work in progress
 .classpath 2013-06-07 leike leike [f5c6f1] Work in progress
 .hgignore 2013-10-28 Jules Alberts Jules Alberts [b47728] Ignore jrebel
 .project 2012-04-03 harriemartens harriemartens [6ec29b] Updated build.xml
 COPYING 2013-01-03 Jules Alberts Jules Alberts [7632a9] Add GPL and LGPL3 text to project.
 COPYING.LESSER 2013-01-03 Jules Alberts Jules Alberts [7632a9] Add GPL and LGPL3 text to project.
 build-jar.xml 2012-04-04 harriemartens harriemartens [17b348] Renamed build.xml to build-jar.xml to prevent a...
 readme.txt 2012-11-29 leike leike [da6b3f] Added (java)doc

Read Me

BS_haalStudentgegevensViaId.wsdl is based on axis2
Liferay uses axis1 therefore I had to remove the exception tag in the wsdl.
After this change I was able to build the java classes

The spil services need 3 entries in the
# Spil connections