
New Release (Mar-13-2002)

Whats new:
Repository Source Code:
- Added platform independent time formatting routines. Supports both single and multi-thread applications.
- Integrated the third-party "pcre" regular expression library to the repository.
- Added add NumericListString interface and class.
- Added example projects that demonstrate the CTL interface and a multi-thread Metakit database engine. Projects are: projects/<host>/metakit/example/mt.
- Upgraded Metakit source to 2.4.32
- Added additional fileio routines. Now support basic create, read, write, temporary file functionality (all platform independent).
- Integrated the third-party XML parser "TinyXML" into the repository
- Added interface for platform independent shell/system access.

Win32 BENV Tools:
- Update bash shell to: GNU bash, version 2.05a.0(3)-release (i686-pc-cygwin). This fixes the problem with the command line length issue when building under Windows 9x.

Posted by john taylor 2002-03-19

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