
neverscript for windows?

  • Forrest

    Forrest - 2005-02-23

    neveredit 0.7 had a windows version, and I was curious if neveredit 0.8 can be run on windows...

    Particularly, the neverscript editor would be lovely... if it's easier than porting the whole thing...

    :) Thanks

    • Forrest

      Forrest - 2005-02-23

      Ooops.  I guess II just wasn't looking hard enough... I have found the "all platforms" download now!

      • Sumpfork

        Sumpfork - 2005-02-23

        Sadly, the answer isn't quite that simple.

        The 'all platforms' download depends on a number of extensions. All the usual ones are very is to install on Windows, as they have binary installers:
        PIL,numarray,Numeric,PyOpenGL,wxPython. Look at the README for website pointers.

        Another matter, however, is the script compiler. Originally written for windows, I had only ever compiled the python extension wrapping the compiler on unix platforms. Now, I have recently managed to compile it for the window python binary using mingw. However, this required a number of changes to the source, not all of which are ready to be checked in. If you can get it compiling with vc++, that's fine, too.

        So, the script editor itself works fine, but the compiler takes a little bit of setup to integrate. I haven't had the time to package a windows binary release, and just substituting 'py2exe' for 'py2app' didn't seem to do it.


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